Habitat for Humanity

In this PSA for Habitat for Humanity, we communicate a need we all take for granted—a home.

We wrote a simple script listing many different types and names of homes. Just as the viewer begins to wonder why they are seeing so many homes in succession, the need for homes is revealed.

Stylistically, we chose a low-poly, flatly shaded 3d approach. However, our camera angle is mostly straight on and flat, allowing supplemental 2D animation. Each home is a simplified version of the real thing, and leans heavily on the the symbol of what makes a house a home. Type accompanies each home and is stylistically similar to each house.

"The end result is a simple, clean, and to the point call to action."

The end result is a simple, clean, and to the point call to action. Enjoy.


Created by Motioneer ©2019